Do you have no recourse to public funds? Visit the CHILDCARE choices website to find out if you are eligible for government funded hours.


Watch the following short video about what it means to be a school Governor.
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The role of the Governing body is to offer support as well as critical observations to the Headteacher and management team of the nursery, in vetting policies and procedures, planning and finance. Training courses are available via the local council to educate governors in the latest rules and regulations relating to Nurseries and the law.

We are fortunate to have an excellent group of volunteer members who support the school and dedicate a great deal of time to Governing body meetings. They also individually take the time to undertake monitoring observations of the children at work at least once a term.

At our annual Business meeting in September we elect the Chair, Vice Chair and other officials. There are 7 further meetings throughout the year, usually 2 per term, which are held during the evenings and usually last about 2 hours.

We currently have vacancies. Click below to find out how you can join our Governing body.

This runs alongside the School Vision Statement and supports the School Development Plan.

The Governing Body Development Plan is being updated (April 2023).

Our Constitution

Our Governing body constitution consists of 12 governors.

We currently have 7 acting governors and 5 vacancies (July 2022).


 Our governors are:

Sarah Gilbert Headteacher
Liz Jenkins

Deputy Headteacher, appointed by GB, November 2021

Jenny Bricklebank Co-opted Governor, appointed by GB, July 2022
Danny Coppin Co-opted Governor and Chair, appointed by GB, Sept 2021
Louise I  Co-opted Governor, appointed 8 December 2022
+ 3 Co-opted vacancies  
+ 2 Parent vacancies  
Katey Thompson LA Governor and Vice Chair, appointed by GB, May 2021
Please click on the link below for our Annual report to parents from our Chair of Governors.
Please click on the link below for our Register of Interests.
 Please click on the links below to see attendance at recent meetings, (at March 2023).
School Accessibility Plan: click on the link to view