Do you have no recourse to public funds? Visit the CHILDCARE choices website to find out if you are eligible for government funded hours.

Website Links

Website links can be a route to some really useful resources and information.

We often come across information which we like to share with parents, e.g. we include a lot of website addresses in our Newsletters and have posters around the school at various times of the year for pertinent issues.

We are also in contact with a lot of groups and agencies in and around Luton. Click on the link below for a list of telephone numbers.
Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a charity that enables effective interventions to many thousands of children who have experienced domestic abuse. It ensures that if the police are called to the home of a child or a child has been involved in a domestic abuse/violence incident, the police share information with the Designated Safeguarding Lead at the child's school prior to them arriving the next day. This enables the school to provide the appropriate support.

Flying Start

You will be aware that Flying Start Children Centres closed their doors for the last time on the 31st March 2021, due to a loss of income from the airport because of Covid-19.

The good news is that Flying Start has not gone away. Flying Start is the overarching umbrella for the antenatal to five year period in Luton, and delivered through a partnership approach. The Early Years Alliance holds the reins for the co-ordination and delivery of a range of universal services for families with under-fives in Luton, working collaboratively with our key partner agencies and working alongside the community itself.

Go to to find out what is on offer for parents in Luton.

Parent Info

Parent Info provides high quality information to parents and carers about their children's wellbeing. Go to for guidance on current issues, such as putting your child's photos online etc.


Follow the link below for Internet Safety Day and guidance about disinformation:

Digiduck's Big Decision

Digiduck's Big Decision is a beautifully illustrated book to read with your under 5 child, and it demonstrates the importance of good online behaviour. Click on the title to download.

Click here to link to Keeping your child safe on line.

ZSL London and Whipsnade Zoos

Visit London Zoo - remotely.

ZSL London and Whipsnade Zoos announce virtual bedtime stories – read by keepers behind the zoos’ closed doors on weekends from Saturday 16 January to Sunday 21 February.
Click on the link to access the website

The following three links are aimed at supporting talking: Small talk, Tiny Happy People, and Hungry Little Minds. Click on the links below to access the websites:

Small Talk

Tiny Happy People

Hungry Little Minds

Please see the list below for other pages and website links which may interest you:

Luton Parent Carer Voice

Luton Parent Carer Voice is a forum of parents and carers of children with disabilities in Luton. They seek to make sure that services in the area meet the needs of children and families.

They hold virtual meetings to share information on a regular basis.

Luton Parent Carer Forum - next meeting 11 Dec
The video on the link below gives more information about the forum:

Moving on to Primary School

Click on the link below for help with getting your child school-ready with a Parents' guide from Flying Start.

Flying Start help with transition to Primary School
Click here to find out more about the Thrive Approach. Thrive

Click here to see the link for Luton Culture, which is an arts and cultural charity for the people of Luton and beyond. They showcase high quality arts and cultural activity across our three inspiring heritage sites; Stockwood Discovery Centre, Wardown House Museum and The Hat Factory Arts Centre. They also deliver community-focused Library services and arts in the public realm engagement projects.

Click here to see the link for Family Lives -

Click here to see the link for Families United Network -

Click here to see the link for the Child Accident Prevention Trust -

Click here to see the link for Flying Start Luton, which is where you will find a lot of information about services that abc Children's Centre used to deliver from this site up to December 2016.

The 'This is Money' site has some helpful information for entitlements to tax relief on childcare payments. Go to

Click here to see the link for Home Start Central Beds.

See the January 2014 article regarding volunteers via the link below.
CALM (Children with Autism in Luton). Meetings are held throughout the year for parents of children up to 7 who are on the Autistic Spectrum or have Aspergers Syndrome. Call the SEN team 548167 for more details.

DADS (Dads Autism Discuss Support). Meetings are held throughout the year to support fathers or male carers of children on the Autistic Spectrum or who have Aspergers Syndrome. See the link below for more information and dates of upcoming meetings. Call David Whalley 01582 548339 for more information.

Click here to see the link to Keep Them Safe, protecting children from child sexual exploitation. The link below advertises free elearning courses on this subject.
Click here for the link to the Solihull approach website, Solihull Approach Parenting. The Solihull Approach is based on the original work of Hazel Douglas who has led teams of practitioners and parents to develop the Solihull Approach. The sound and well-researched ideas that underpin the Approach are embedded in every aspect of the

Understanding your child's behaviour groups and courses.

Luton Family Services Directory and the Family Information Service (FIS)

The directory is collated by the FIS and compromises services which offer Luton children and their families any aspect of education, health, childcare, benefits and support etc. Click here to find out more.